HBSE 10th Class English Letter Writing
Haryana State Board HBSE 10th Class English Solutions Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 10th Class English Letter Writing
Letter Writing
A. Letters Making Orders
1. Write a letter to M/s Azad Hind Book Stores, Court Road, Bengaluru, placing an order for some books you urgently need. You may sign yourself as Rajeshwari of 151, Kachi Guda Crossing, Hyderabad.
151, Kachi Guda Crossing
Sept. 18, 20…….
M/s Azad Hind Book Stores,
Court Road,
Subject: Order for books.
Dear Sirs,
I need some books of 10th class. Your goodself is requested to send me the following books as per V.P.P. as early as possible.
1. Deepak English Guide for X class 4 copies
2. Deepak Science Guide for X class 4 copies
3. Deepak Hindi Guide for X class 4 copies
4. Deepak Guess Papers-cum-Model Test Papers, X class
(English, Hindi, Maths, Science) 2 copies each
Please pack the books properly and send these at an early date.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
2. You are Kamal Verma of 77, Exchange Road, Kanpur. Write a letter to the Manager, Indian Bakery, ordering some items of your choice suitable for a picnic party of ten friends.
77, Exchange Road
November 28, 20…….
The Manager
Indian Bakery
Subject: Order for bakery items.
1 and some of my friends are having a picnic party next week. You are requested to supply us the following
items of bakery by next Sunday :
1. Special pastries (with chocolate flavour) 20 pieces
2. Cream rolls 20 pieces
3. Coconut Cookies 5 packets
4. Waffers 5 packets
5. Patties 10 pieces
Please be careful about the quality of all these items.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Kamal Verma
3. Write a letter on behalf of Pankaj Crockeries, Rajguru Market, Hisar to a firm in Faridabad, placing order for some items of crockery.
Pankaj Crockeries
50, Rajguru Market, Hisar
August 25, 20…….
Messers Ram Chander & Co.
Main Bazar Faridabad
Subject: Order for crockery items.
Dear Sirs,
I need some crockery items for my shop. I request your goodself to send me the following crockery items at the earliest as per your own conveyance.
1. Rice plates 100 pieces
2. Rice dongas 10 pieces
3. Vegetable dongas 50 pieces
4. Coffee mugs 150 pieces
5. Teacups 100 pieces
Please be careful in packing of these items. Send the bill alongwith these items and payment will be deposited in your bank account immediately after receiving the bill and items.
Yours sincerely
Pankaj Crockeries
4. You are Nisha, librarian of G.S.S. School, A.B.C. Write a letter to the sales manager for placing an order for the books for your school library.
The librarian
GS.S. School A.B.C
16th April, 20…….
The Sales Manager
1. Life History of Stephen Fleming 10 copies
2. Discovery of India (English) 10 copies
3. Bharat EK Khoj (Hindi) 5 copies
4. Oxford Learners Dictionary 5 copies
5. Godan 5 copies
Publication A.B.C.
Subject: Order for the books.
With reference to the above cited subject your goodself is requested to send me the following books for our school library. The list follows as :
Please send the books at the earliest as per your own convenience. Please check the quality and quantity of the books carefully before packing and do the packing carefully. Payment will be made cash at the time of delivery.
Yours faithfully
B. Letters Making Inquiries and Giving Suggestions
1. Write a letter to a goods transport company asking for their freight.
Harish Garments
Ambala Cantt.
10 May, 20…….
The Sandhu Transport Company
G T. Road, Ludhiana
Subject: Regarding freight inquiry.
1 have a garments shop at Ambala Cantt. I purchase cloth from Ludhiana. Every Sunday twenty knots of cloth arrive to me from Ludhiana to Ambala through railway but I am willing to hire the services of a transport company. So that the material may reach to me by road at my door. Kindly send me the freight list of your transport company. So that I may place an early order. Please take it most urgent.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Harish Kumar
2. Write a letter to M/s Vikrant Electronics, Circular Road, Bengaluru asking for the price list of pre-recorded music cassettes of some of the latest Hindi films. You may sign yourself as David of 110, Moti Bagh, Lucknow.
110, Moti Bagh
January 15, 20…….
M/s Vikrant Electronics
Circular Road
Subject: Inquiry about the price list.
Dear Sir,
I run a music shop in Lucknow. I wish to purchase in bulk quantity some of the pre-recorded cassettes of latest Hindi films. You are requested to let me know your price list for the music cassettes of the following films:
1. Airlift
2. Bahubali
3. Drishyam
4. Bajrangi Bhaijaan
5. Neeija
Please send me the information soon so that I may place an early order.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
3. M/s Kanchan Cookware, Delhi Gate, Ajmer, have advertised a scheme to exchange old pots and pans with non-stick wares. Write a letter to the manager of the firm enquiring about the terms and conditions of the scheme. Sign yourself as Mrs Sneha Gupta of Park Lane, Kota.
Park Lane
October 15, 20…….
The Manager
Kanchan Cookware
Delhi Gate, Ajmer
Subject: Enquiry about the terms and conditions of the scheme.
I read your advertisement in the Hindustan Times. You have advertised that you have a scheme to exchange old pots and pans with non-stick cookwares.
I am interested in exchanging some old pots and pans with non-stick wares. You are requested to kindly let me know the details about your scheme. Kindly also write whether you can send the goods through railway parcel.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Sneha Gupta
4. Write a letter to a firm of furniture, asking for quotation of prices for furniture for offices and homes. Inquire also about the concession and commission given and the credit facilities.
Bharat Bhushan and Co.
Gandhi Market, Rajgarh
February 15, 20…….
M/s Avon Street Furniture
6/12, Noida
Subject: Demand for quotation of prices.
Dear Sirs,
We wish to buy furniture of different kinds for offices and homes. Our demand is immediate. Please send us quotation of prices of all kinds and qualities of furniture supplied by you.
We would also like to know how much commission and concession you offer to your customers. And also let us know the credit facilities which you are ready to give us.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Bharat Bhusan & Co.
5. Write a letter to M/s Usha Sales Limited, Mumbai, requesting them to send you the price list of the models of sewing machines available with them. Also enquire how soon they can execute your order. Sign yourself as Jack.
CU 104, Pitampura
New Delhi
August 25, 20…….
M/s Usha Sales Limited
Andheri (West)
Subject: For the price list of sewing machines.
Dear Sirs,
We need twenty new Usha sewing machines. You are requested to kindly send us the price list of various models of Usha sewing machines available with you. Please mention the rates of each model including all taxes.
We need these machines urgently. So you are requested to inform us how soon you can deliver the goods.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
C. Letters of Complaints and Suggestions
1. Write a letter to the S.H.O. of your locality reporting about the theft that occurred in your house.
Randhir Kapoor
H.No. 2597, Housing Board Colony
Ambala Cantt.
10 October, 20…….
The S.H.O.
Police station
Ambala Sadar
Subject: Regarding theft in my house.
I request yourself that today I went to market with my wife and son at 7p.m. All the rooms and the main gate were locked. When I returned home from the market at 9.30 p.m. I found that the main gate door was safe but the house locks were broken. Some thieves jumped over the wall and comitted the crime. When I reached the house I found that fifty thousand rupees cash, ten tolas jewellery, gas cylinder, Samsung LED 48″ and clothes have been stolen. Please register a complaint and oblige me by making a swift search in this case.
Yours faithfully
Randhir Kapoor
2. You bought some goods from M/s Scientific Goods Emporium and found them in broken condition. Write a letter to them asking to replace the goods immediately.
35, Daya Basti 9-A, Mahesh
Nagar Ambala Cantt
May 29, 20……….
M/s Scientific Goods Emporium
Subject: Complaint about broken scientific goods.
Respected Sir,
We ordered you the following scientific goods:
1. Ammeter – 5 pieces
2. Anemometer – 10 pieces
3. Audiometer – 10 pieces
4. Barograph – 5 pieces
But we found all these goods in broken condition. These goods were not packed properly. They are not in condition to use. You are requested to take these goods back at your cost and send us the goods in good condition in a properly packed parcel.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Neeraj Kumar
3. Write a complaint to the General Manager, Haryana Roadways, Kaithal. Write that the conductor of the bus misbehaved with you. Be specific in your complaint.
You are Sonia. Write a letter to the General Manager of Haryana Roadways complaining about the problem of smoking in running buses.
987, Pratap Nagar
March 25, 20………..
The General Manager
Haryana Roadways
Subject: Complaint against the bus conductor.
I wish to complain against the rude behaviour of one of the conductors of the Haryana Roadways, Kaithal Depot. On 20th March, 20…….. I boarded the bus No. HR08F-4498 from Sirsa for going to Hisar. The bus started at 10 a.m. After some time, the conductor started smoking a cigarette. This was a clear violation of the rules. It was clearly written in the bus : “No smoking.” I told the conductor that if he himself broke the rules, how he would prevent the passengers from smoking.
I asked him not to smoke. But instead of listening to my advice, the conductor became very rude. He shouted at me and insulted me. He said that he did not care for anybody. He threatened to throw me out of the bus. The other passengers also objected to his behaviour. But he did not listen to any one.
Sir, you are requested to take appropriate action against the bus conductor.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
4. You are Arun of Gurugram. You are disturbed to see the problem of traffic jam in NCR region which causes loss of time as well as fuel. Write a letter to S.S.P. (Traffic) Gurugram in about 100 words drawing attention to the problem of traffic jam in Gurugram.
1414, Gulmohar Vatika
8 May, 20…….
The S.S.P. (Traffic)
Subject: Regarding the problem of traffic jam in Gurugram.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above cited subject I wish to draw your kind attention to the problem of traffic jam in NCR region. Sir, in the morning hours before 10 a.m. and in the evening hours after 5 p.m. the condition is of the worst type. Sometimes it takes two to three hours to cover a distance of just ten kilometres. Due to this traffic jam a big pollution is caused by the engineer of the vehicles. Sir, please make some specific plan to give some relief to the people of NCR region from the routine traffic jams.
Yours faithfully
5. You are Veena of 1953 Lower Bazar, Shimla. You have purchased a washing machine from the Nav Bharat Electronics Ltd., Sadar Bazar, Delhi. Write a letter to the firm praising their product. Also make some suggestions for further improvement in the machine.
1953, Lower Bazar
November 15, 20……
M/s Bharat Electronics Ltd.
Sadar Bazar
Subject: Suggestions for further improvement in the machine.
Dear Sirs,
I purchased a Bharat washing machine from your firm last year. I wish to point out that the washing machine is working satisfactorily. During the one year, it has not created any problem. I congratulate you on making such a fine washing machine. However, there are some suggestions to make the machine still better. Its wash tub is small and cannot hold more than five garments. You can fit a bigger wash tub in the future machines. Secondly, its rotator motor is not very powerful. If you can make it more powerful, it will improve the working of the machine. I hope you will like these suggestions.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
6. Write a letter to the SDO (Electricity) complaining about the frequent breakdown of electricity in your area
73-C, Vashishth Nagar,
July 03, 20……….
The S.D.O.
Ram Nagar
Subject: Complaint against the frequent breakdown of electricity.
I would like to draw your attention to the problem of frequent breakdown of electricity in our area. The residents of this area have to face a lot of problems due to these break downs. The whole area is thrown into the darkness at night. The students are facing a lot of difficulty in preparing for their exams. Sir, it is summer season and the weather is very hot. It has become impossible to survive without electricity. The weak and old people are also suffering a lot due to this problem.
Sir, you are requested to look into the matter and solve this problem as early as possible.
Yours faithfully
Ram Narayan Mishra.
7. Write a letter to Messers Gupta Electronics, complaining that the fridge you bought from the firm is not functioning properly. You want its immediate replacement.
Rajan Malhotra
7-A, Model Town
Ambala City
April 7,20…….
Messers Gupta Electronics
Court Road Ambala City
Subject: Complaint about the fridge.
Dear Sir,
It is brought to your kind notice that I bought a Godrej fridge of 200 Liters from your shop only last month. I am regretful to inform you that the functioning of this fridge is not proper. Its freezer is not working at all. Sometimes the fridge gets switched off automatically. It makes a loud noise when it works. If it is opened with bare feet it gives a shock. I think this piece has some manufacturing defects. I request you to replace it immediately. The warranty card along with the original bill is being sent with this letter.
Yours sincerely
Rajan Malhotra
D. Official Letters
1. Write a letter to the General Manager, Janta Bus Service, Mahanagar, suggesting extension of local bus service to your village Nayagaon. Sign yourself as Vijay.
Village Nayagaon
Distt. Mahanagar
February 16, 20………..
The General Manager
Janta Bus Service
Subject: Request for extension of local bus service.
I am a resident of village Nayagaon. The local bus service of your corporation is very good. But the local bus service does not cover our village. The bus comes upto Puranagaon which is two kilometres away from our village. Our village is very important because a number of the people of our village do jobs in Mahanagar. They feel great difficulty in reaching their offices. Many students also cannot reach their schools and colleges in time.
You are requested to extend the local bus service up to our village.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
2. You are Santosh. You have shifted to 567, Shivaji Colony, Pratap Nagar. Write a letter to the postmaster of your town, requesting him for a change in address.
The Postmaster
General Post Office
Pratap Nagar
Subject: Information about change in address.
I wish to bring to your kind notice that we have changed our residence to Moti Bazar, Pratap Nagar to 567, Shivaji Colony, Pratap Nagar. As I was in a hurry, I could not inform all of my friends and relatives about the change of address. I am expecting some important letters. You are requested to kindly redirect all my letters to my new address given above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
3. Write a letter to the Chief Medical Officer of your district complaining about the insanitary conditions in your locality.
Gandhi Chowk Bhiwani
March 25, 20
The C.M.O.
Civil Hospital Bhiwani,
Subject: Complaint about insanitary condition.
Dear Sir,
I wish to bring to your kind notice the insanitary condition of our locality. It is the dirtiest part of the town. There are pools of water here and there. The drains are over-flowing. The locality is filled with heaps of rubbish. Filthy gutters are an ugly sight. This locality’ has become a breeding place for flies and mosquitoes. During rains the condition of this locality becomes worse. Dirty water over flows the drains and floods the streets. The sweepers do not remove garbage daily. The drainage system is most defective. The sanitary inspector does not visit the locality regularly.
If this state of affairs is allowed to continue cholera, malaria or typhoid is likely to break out. Therefore, I request you to visit our locality and take immediate steps to improve the living conditions. The residents of this locality will be thankful to you. It is a question of public health and safety.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
4. Write a letter to the Chairman, Municipal Corporation requesting him to provide relief to the residents from monkey menace.
Suman Saini 2710,
Timber Market
Ambala Cantt.
17 August, 20…….
The Chairman
Municipal Corporation
Subject: Regarding monkey menace.
With reference to the above cited subject I wish to draw your attention to a problem faced by the residents of timber market. This problem is due to the monkeys. A group of about fifty monkeys has come to stay permanently in this area. All the day they are moving in the streets and on the roofs of the houses. If they see someone carrying some fruit or vegetable, they attack that person to snatch the eatable. There have been many cases of monkey’s bite. They tear the clothes put on the roofs of the houses after washing. All are much scared of them. You are, therefore, requested to do the needful to provide relief to the residents of timber market from monkey menace.
Yours faithfully
Suman Saini
5. Write a letter to the District Food and Supply Officer requesting him to grant you licence of kerosene oil.
15, Gandhi Nagar
May 31, 20…….
The District Food and Supply Officer
Subject: For licence of kerosene oil.
With due respect I beg to state that I have opened a shop of General Merchandise in Gandhi Nagar. There is no kerosene oil shop in the neighbourhood. The residents face a great inconvenience because they have to bring kerosene from a big distance. Ladies in particular have to face a lot of trouble when they are required to stand in a queue.
I, therefore, request you to grant me the licence for the sale of the same. I am prepared to deposit the required fee for licence. I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the government. If you want, I can give you security also.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Ashok Kumar
6. Write a letter to the Postmaster complaining against the irregular delivery and the rude behaviour of the postman of your locality.
275, Gandhi Nagar
Yamuna Nagar
March 20,20…….
The Postmaster
Head Post Office
Yamuna Nagar
Subject: Complaint against the postman.
I wish to bring to your kind notice my complaint against Mr. Harish Kumar, the postman of our locality. He does not perform his duty well. He is irregular in his duty. He is rude in his behaviour. He is careless in his work. I do not get my letters regularly. We have put up a letter box on the outer door of our house. But he never puts the letters into the letter box. He throws them through the windows. Sometimes he hands over the letters to the children playing in the street. They tear them up and throw away.
Often our letters have been lost due to the carelessness of the postman. We have often brought the matter to his notice. But he is very rude. He does not behave properly.
Therefore, I request you to look into the matter personally. Please take suitable action against the postman.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Amit Kumar
7. Write a letter to a firm requesting it cancel an order for science apparatus. Give also the reasons for cancelling the order.
77-B, Ashok Vihar,
May 29, 20…….
Rama Scientific Works
Kunj Vihar
New Delhi
Subject: For cancelling the order.
I ordered you some apparatus for my science lab on 15th of this month. But I found your rates very high when I compared the rates of some apparatus from another shop. Moreover, the quality of your goods were not so good. Then why should I buy goods from your shop while I can get them from other shop in better condition and lower prize.
Hence, I request you to cancel my order. I will not be responsible if you send me the goods after this letter.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
E. Letters to Editors
1. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper drawing his attention to the pathetic conditions of roads.
3101, Sector-12
March 23, 20……….
The Editor
The Tribune
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to raise the issue of the pathetic conditions of roads. Sir, the condition of roads in our area has become worst. They have not been repaired for the past two years. Due to the rainy season they are badly damaged. The travellers are facing too many problems. The school going students face many accidents and most of them are injured badly.
It will be good if you publish this article in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities may take some steps to solve our problem.
I shall be highly thankful to you.
Yours faithfully.
2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, highlighting the hardship caused to the common people by rising prices.
5, Lawrence Road
New Delhi
March 17, 20………
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Kindly allow me to highlight a very common problem through the columns of your esteemed newspaper. The problem of rising prices has become very common. It has caused a lot of hardship to the common people. The government has failed to hold the price rise. The prices of essential commodities are rising day by day. It has become very difficult to make both ends meet.
The salaried people are the worst sufferers. They cannot manage their household budget within their salaries. It is high time the government should take steps to control the rising prices.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Ram Lai Bhardwaj
3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, regarding the disturbance caused by the loud sound of the loudspeakers as it is harmful during the examination days.
New Delhi
May 2,20……….
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, l wish to draw the attention of the authorities to the growing nuisance caused by the loudspeakers in Peetampura. All religious places of worship put loudspeakers on the roofs. They keep blaring all the day and till late in the night. The next morning, these loudspeakers start shrieking very early. Our annual examinations are drawing near. Students feel disturbed by the loud sound of these loudspeakers. 1 hope the authorities will look into the matter.
Thanking you,
Yours truly
Puneet Issar
4. You are Somwati. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the incidents of violence taking place with the aged alone at home, drawing the attention of the authorities towards the problem.
H.No. 106, Sector-6
7th June, 20
The Editor
The Tribune
Subject: Regarding incidents of violence with aged people.
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed I would like to raise the issue of increasing incidents of violence taking place with the aged living alone at home. Just yesterday such an old couple murdered in our colony. Last week, an old lady living alone was looted at home. This problem is getting worse day-by-day. People of our colony raised voice against this issue but not paid any attention to it. There is no improvement in the situation. I request you to raise this issue in your newspaper so that some solution to the problem can be found out.
Yours faithfully
5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, complaining against erratic electric supply in your city.
Near Power House
Patiala Chowk
October 15, 20……….
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
l wish to draw the attention of the authorities to the erratic power supply in our city. There are frequent breakdowns in the power supply. Sometimes, there is no power supply for the whole day. As a result, the residents of the city have to face a lot of difficulty in summer months.
Even when there is power supply, there is a lot of fluctuation in the electricity. Because of this many electrical appliances get damaged. The authorities should look into the matter and improve the power supply of this city.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Ashok Ahuja
6. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need of Road Safety Rules.
1017-Sector 10-A
April 7, 20………
The Editor
The Tribune
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to raise the issue of the need of Road Safety Rules. Today our roads have become much risky. The major reason behind this is that people do not follow the Road Safety Rules from heart. Most of the people follow these rules only with a sense of fear of police. Whenever one finds the police absent from the scene, he or she breaks the traffic rules. Wearing helmet for the two wheeler riders, using seat belts for the four wheeler riders should become a spontanious jesture. Life is precious. It must be protected by following Road Safety Rules. The people should follow these rules by heart not with fear.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Ranjan Sodhi
7. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need of the introduction of Road Safety Rules in the syllabus of secondary classes in Haryana. Sign yourself as Sudhir Kumar of Government Senior Secondary School, Rampur (Bhiwani).
Sudhir Kumar
Government Senior Secondary School
Rampur (Bhiwani)
March 7, 20………….
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to attract the attention of the Education Department of Haryana towards the issue of Road Safety Rules. Sir, today it comes in the reports that in most of the road accidents school students are involved. They are at a great risk of road accidents as they are not well aware of the Road Safety Rules. They lack the knowledge how to cross the road, where to walk on the road, where to drive their bicycle etc. It is urged that Road Safety Rules must be introduced in the syllabus of all secondary classes in Haryana. The knowledge of Road Safety Rules will make our students safe on the roads.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Sudhir Kumar
F. Personal Letters
1. Write a letter to your uncle, thanking him for the gift he has sent on your birthday.
123, Nirmala Colony
February 20, 20………
My Dear Uncle,
Yesterday I received the beautiful wrist watch which you had sent me as my birthday gift. I have no words to thank you for such a beautiful gift. This golden wrist watch looks very beautiful. All of my friends have liked it very much. Moreover, 1 needed a watch badly. I was often late for school. I had to pay some fine every month for being late to the school. Now this watch will make me punctual.
Please pay my respect to aunt and love to Reena.
With regards,
Yours affectionately
Suresh Kumar
871, New Prem Nagar
2. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.
275/5, Gandhi Nagar
March 8,20……….
Dear Sudhir,
Imagine my joy when I read the result of the I.A.S. in the Hindustan Times and found that you had obtained the 2nd rank. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your grand success.
This success of yours is well-deserved. I remember the time and energy that you put into your efforts to succeed in this examination. While your other friends whiled away their time in gossip or were sound asleep at night, you were pouring over the bulky books. I remember the golden line which you often quote: “Success in every field is ninety nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.” Your success in your efforts has amply proved the truth of this statement.
When are you coming to Amritsar ? I plan a big function to celebrate your success to which all our old friends will be invited.
Congratulations once again.
Yours truly
Ravi Verma
Address :
Sudhir Kumar
871, Nicolson Road
3. You visited Jaipur recently. Write a letter to your friend describing the visit briefly.
214, Mehta Chowk
February 25, 20……….
Dear Pawan,
I hope you are fine. Last week I visited Jaipur along with my family. Jaipur is a beautiful city. It is an old and princely city. Jaipur has a number of historic monuments to see.
In the city, there is Sawai Man Singh Museum. This is a fine museum. It displays a number of old and interesting items. NeSf the museum, there is the Jantar Mantar. This has scientific importance. It shows that our ancient astronomers were much advanced.
The finest place in Jaipur is the Hawa Mahal. It is a wonderful building. Near it, there is the palace of the king of Jaipur. About 10 kilometers away from Jaipur is the beautiful Amber Palace. It is a magnificent palace as well as a fort. Jaipur has a very good market. We did a lot of shopping there. In short, I cannot foiget my visit to Jaipur.
With regards,
Your loving friend
Pawan Kumar
21, Court Road
4. Write a letter to your mother telling her about your life in the hostel.
Chander Bhushan
Saint Kabir Institute
New Delhi
16 May, 20….
Dear Mother,
I am fine here and hope that you shall also be fine with the grace of God. The news is that my life in the hostel is very good. My roommate Sunil, a boy from Ambala, is of very good nature. We got up at 5a.m. daily. First of all we go out for a morning walk. We come back by 6 a.m. Then we take our bath etc. Our breakfast is ready at 7a.m. The food quality is very good in the mess. We go to school at 8a.m. Our lunch break is at 1p.m. I am enjoying a disciplined life in my hostel. Please don’t worry about me. I shall visit you soon.
With regards,
Your loving son
Chander Bhushan
5. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in games .
Rajiv Datta
340, Savitri Nagar
April 19, 20……….
Dear Naveen,
I saw your report-card yesterday. I was very glad to find that you have again topped your class. I congratulate you on your success. However, I have come to know that you have become a book-worm. You study from morning till late in the night. You do not devote any time to games.
Dear Naveen, studies are very important in our life. But we cannot ignore the value of games also. Games give energy to our bodies and refresh our minds. After long hours of study, the mind is tired. By playing, the mind gets the badly needed rest. You have heard that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Those who do not take part in games and study all the time, spoil their health. You must devote some time to games either in the early morning or in the evening. This will refresh your mind and you will be able to study in a better way.
I hope you will act upon my advice.
Your loving brother
Rajiv Datta
5034, Saraswati Nagar
6. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on winning a lottery prize.
33, Kabir Nagar
Ambala Cantt
March 17, 20……….
Dear Vishal,
I hope you are fine. I am very happy to know that you have won ? 1,00,000 cash prize in the lottery. Please receive my heartiest congratulation on your achievement. You have been waiting for this announcement from a quite long time. This success of yours is well-deserved.
I hope you better know that advantages and disadvantages of holding such big cash. You should be careful while spending or investing this money. You should also make a good plan for your parents also.
When are you coming to Shimla ? We will enjoy your success with a great party.
Congratulations once again.
Yours truly,
Navneet Singh
7. Write a letter to your friend, inviting him to spend holidays with you in Shimla.
1014, The Mall
03 June, 20……….
1088, Sector 34
Ambala City
Dear Shivang,
I am fine here. I hope that you shall also be fine at Ambala. I know that your summer vacation has started from 01 June. It will be very hot in Ambala but the weather is very pleasant here in Shimla. So I invite you to stay with me for a period of ten days in Shimla. My cousin from Kamal is also arriving tomorrow. We three shall enjoy the summer vacation together. I hope you will arrive definitely. Please do inform me when you are arriving Shimla.
With Love,
Your loving friend