Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Chapter 4 An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions Honeysuckle Chapter 4 An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
HBSE 6th Class English An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian American?
Kalpana Chawala was born at Karnal in Haryana (India). She was a naturalised US citizen as she was married to a flight instructor of US. Therefore, she is called an Indian American.
Question 2.
When and why did she go to the US.? Who did she marry?
She got the degree of Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering. Then she went to the US. She went there for a master’s degree. She married flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.
Question 3.
How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?
She was selected by NASA in 1994 for training as an astronaut. After her training was over, she became an astronaut. The people around her encourged her to carry on with her ambition. It gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut. Besides, she had the licence to fly aeroplanes, ships and gliders.
Question 4.
What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
It needs enormous ability to become an astronaut. He must know a lot about everything. He must have global knowledge of all the subjects.
Question 5.
Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
Kalpana Chawla’s first space mission took place in space shuttle Columbia. It was to last 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes. She went around the earth 252 times. The crew performed 80 experiments and a few tests. Her spaceship caught fire while returning to the ground. All the seven members of the crew were killed.
Question 6.
What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?
Kalpana Chawla was of the opinion that there is always a path from dreams to success. Nothing is impossible in this world. If there is a will, there is a way. One must have the vision and the courage. Hurdles are removed of their own from the path of the man with firm determination.
HBSE 6th Class English An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Give a brief account of Kalpana Chawala’s life and education.
Kalpana Chawla was born at Karnal in India. She was graduated from Tagore School, Karnal. She did Bachelor of Science from India. She got M. Sc. degree in aerospace engineering from The University of Taxas. She also got Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from University of Colorado.
She died on February 1, 2003 in the space Shuttle Columbia.
Question 2.
What was Kalpana Chawla’s dream?
Kalpana Chawla had a strong desire to travel beyond the blue. She aspired to fly into the heavens and touch the stars some day.
Question 3.
What were Kalpana’s academics and interests?
Kalpana had a brilliant academic record. She took part in almost everything, athletics, dance and science modelling. She enjoyed flying aerobatics and tail wheel aeroplanes, hiking, back packing and reading.
Question 4.
Give the names of the crew of the ill fated Columbia.
The following were the names of the members of the crew of the ill-fated Columbia.
1. Rick D. Husband.
2. William C Me Cool.
3. Michael R Anderson.
4. David M. Brown.
5. Laurel B Clark.
6. II an Ramon.
7. Kalpana Chawla.
Question 5.
What were the activities of the crew of Columbia during 16 days in Orbit?
The Columbia stayed in Orbit for 16 days. The following were their activities:
(i) They studied the effects of micro-gravity on a variety of materials.
(ii) Focussing on how metals and crystals solidify when removed from the distorting effects cf gravity.
Question 6.
What was a moment of joy and grief for all Indians?
It was a moment of joy when Columbia had lifted on with Kalpana on 16th January, 2003. It had stayed in Orbit for 16 days. The crew made 80 experiments and a few tests. It was the shuttle’s 28th space flight and it was fit for 100 flights. There was news that Kalpana went round the earth 252 times.
It was a moment of grief when the shuttle’s downward journey ended in tragedy.
Question 7.
What was unique about Kalpana Chawla when took off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida?
She was the first Indian-American woman astronaut to blast off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Question 8.
What is a space-shuttle? Name the shuttle which Kalpana took in space.
Space shuttle is such a space craft which can be used for space travel more than one. The space shuttle which Kalpana took in space was the ‘Columbia’.
Question 9.
Give a brief account of Kalpana Chawla’s life and education.
Kalpana Chawla was born at Karnal in India. She was graduated from Tagore School, Karnal. She did Bachelor of Science from India. She got M.Sc. degree in aerospace engineering from The University of Taxas. She also got Ph. D. degree in aerospace engineering from University of Colorado.
She died on February 1, 2003 in the space shuttle, Columbia.
Question 10.
What was a moment of joy and grief for all Indians?
It was a moment of joy when Columbia had lifted on with Kalpana on 16th January, 2003. It had stayed in orbit for 16 days. The crew made 80 experiments and a few tests. It was the shuttle’s 28th space flight and it was fit for 100 flights. There was news that Kalpana went round the earth 252 times.
It was a moment of grief when the shuttle’s downward journey ended in tragedy.
Question 11.
How did the people of Karnal react when they heard the news of the disaster of the Columbia?
On hearing the tragic news of the disaster of the Columbia, the people of Karnal met with shock and disbelief. They spent a sleepless night and stayed glued to their television sets in the hope that Kalpana and the crew had somehow survived.
An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Passages for Comprehension
Read the passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Passage – 1
Kalpana Chawla …………… America.
(i) Where did Kalpana Chawla live during childhood?
(ii) What did she not dream then?
(iii) What did her parents allow her to do?
(iv) Where did she do her graduation from?
(v) What did her father oppose?
(i) Kalpana Chawala lived in Karnal during childhood.
(ii) She did not dream then that she would cross the frontiers of space.
(iii) Her parents allowed her to attend engineering college.
(iv)She did her graduation from Tagore School.
(v) Her father opposed to get Master’s degree from the United States.
Passage – 2
She later ……………… Columbia lift off.
(i) In which field did Kalpana earn her Ph.D?
(ii) From where did she blast off?
(iii) What did she participate in?
(iv) Who cheered her when the Columbia lifted off?
(v) Give the three degrees of ‘late’.
(i) Kalpana earned her Ph.D. in aerospace engineering.
(ii) She blasted off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida.
(iii) She participated in a successful mission in space.
(iv) Kalpana’s Indian family and her staff cheered her when the Columbia lifted off.
(v) late, later, latest.
Passages – 3
When asked ……………… carry on.
(i) Did Kalpana think herself an inferior sex?
(ii) Which small city did she belong to?
(iii) Which different country does she refer to?
(iv) What did she do with her dreams?
(v) ‘Really’ has ‘ly’ as suffix with the word ‘real’. Give two other such words.
(i) No, the idea of inferior sex never came to her mind.
(ii) She belonged to Karnal, a small city in Haryana.
(iii) She refers to India which was her native country.
(iv) She followed her dreams earnestly.
(v) actually, sincerely.
Passage – 4
On the ……………… astronaut.
(i) What caused shock and disbelief?
(ii) Who stayed glued to the TV the whole night?
(iii) What did they hope in vain?
(iv) Who called Kalpana ‘a heroine?’
(v) Give the opposites of’disbelief and’hope’.
(i) The news of the disaster of Columbia caused shock and disbelief.
(ii) Thousands of households of Karnal glued to the TV the whole night.
(iii) They hoped in vain that Kalpana and the crew would survive.
(iv) A journalist called Kalpana ‘a heroine’.
(v) belief, despair.
Passages – 5
For millions ……………. their dreams.
(i) Who is the girl from a small town here?
(ii) Where did she send the message from?
(iii) Where was her college in India?
(iv) How can one find the path of success?
(v) Give the opposites of ‘small’ and ‘success’.
(i) Kalpana Chawla is the girl from a small town here.
(ii) She sent the message from aboard the space shuttle.
(iii) Her college in India was at Chandigarh.
(iv) One can find the path of success with vision.
(v) big, failure.
An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Translation in Hindi
1. Kalpana Chawla ……………… School.
2. After a………………. of America.
कल्पना चावला ने कहा कि उसने करनाल में एक बच्ची के रूप में कभी स्वप्न नहीं देखा था कि वह अंतरिक्ष की सीमाओं को पार करेगी। यह पर्याप्त था जब उसके माता-पिता ने टैगोर स्कूल से स्नातक की परीक्षा पास करने के बाद उसे इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में दाखिला लेने की अनुमति दे दी।
Aeronautical Engineering में विज्ञान स्नातक की डिग्री प्राप्त करने के बाद, अपने माता-पिता के विरोध के बावजूद वह संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में स्नातकोत्तर डिग्री प्राप्त करने के लिए चली गई।
Dreamed-thought in her mind, स्वप्न देखा, सोंचा। Frontiers-boundaries, सीमाएँ। Enough-sufficient, पर्याप्त। Oppositionprotest, विरोध।
She later earned her …….. Columbia lift off.
बाद में उसने Aerospace Enigneering में Ph.D (पी. एच. डी.) की डिग्री प्राप्त की। चावला, पहली भारतीय अमरीकन अंतरिक्षयात्री महिला थी जिसने Cape Canaveral Florida नामक प्रस्थान मंच से अंतरिक्षयान में उड़ान भरी और अंतरिक्ष में एक सफल प्रेषण में भागी हुई। भारत से उसके परिवार के सदस्यों ने तथा (अमरीका के) स्टॉफ ने केनेडी अंतरिक्ष केंद्र पर (उसका) जयजयकार किया ज्यों ही उन्होंने कोलम्बिया को ऊपर उठते देखा।
Later-afterwards, बाद में। Blast off-to be lifted off in a space craft, अंतरिक्षयान में उड़ान भरी। Participate-to take part, भाग लेना। Mission-errand, act of sending forth, प्रेषण। Cheered-made shouts of joy or applause, हर्षध्वनि की। Watched-viewed, गौर से देखा।
3. Kalpna, ………………. an astronaut.
कल्पना का जन्म हरियाणा में स्थित करनाल में हुआ था। परंतु वह संयुक्त राज्य की प्राकृतिक नागरिक थी. उसका विवाह उड़ान प्रशिक्षक Jean-Pierre Harrison के साथ हुआ था। एक अंतरिक्ष यात्री होने के साथ-साथ, उसके पास अकेले तथा कई इंजनों वाले हवाई-जहाजों, एक इंजन वाले जलयानों तथा ग्लाइडरों को चलाने का प्रमाण-पत्र था। वह एक प्रमाण-पत्र प्राप्त उड़ान प्रशिक्षक भी थी। एक वायुयान चालक के रूप में योग्यता प्राप्त करने के पश्चात् कल्पना अन्य चुनौतियों की तरफ भी ध्यान देने लगी : वह था NASA का अंतरिक्ष शट्टल कार्यक्रम। पहली बार NASA में रिसर्च (अनुसंधान) वैज्ञानिक के रूप में भाड़े पर उसकी सेवाएं ली गईं। फिर, 1994 में उसे अंतरिक्ष यात्री के रूप में प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करने हेतु चुन लिया गया।
Naturalised-as a matter of course, प्राकृतिक रूप में। Besides-in addition to, अतिरिक्त। Multi-many, कई। Glideran engineless aeroplane, बिना इंजन वाला हवाई जहाज, ग्लाइडर। Certified licensed, प्रमाण-पत्र प्राप्त। Seaplanes-huge ships, भारी जलपोत। Consider-To think over, विचार करण। Challenge-a call for something, चुनौती, ललकार। Hire-touse somebody’s servcies on payment, भाड़े पर।
4. When asked ……………….do, carry on.”
जब उनसे पूछा गया कि उनके क्षेत्र में महिला होने के नाते उनके क्या अनुभव हैं, तो उसने उत्तर दिया, वास्तव में अध्ययन करते या कुछ अन्य कार्य करते समय मैंने कभी भी इस प्रकार का विचार नहीं किया है कि मैं एक महिला हूँ या एक छोटे से नगर की निवासी हूँ या किसी भिन्न देश की रहने वाली हूँ। सभी की तरह मेरे भी कुछ स्वप्न (अरमान) थे और मैं उनके पीछे पड़ी रही।
और सौभाग्यवश, जो लोग मेरे इर्द-गिर्द थे, उन्होंने मुझे सदा प्रोत्साहन दिया और कहा, ‘यदि आप वह सभी कुछ करना चाहती है तो आगे बढ़ती रहें।’
Really-actually, वास्तव में। Pursuing-Continuing, पीछे पड़ना, चलाते हुए। Fortunately-luckily, भाग्यवश। Encouraged_inspired, उत्साहित किया।
5. Kalpana’s ………………. dollars.
अंतरिक्ष शटल कोलम्बिया में. कल्पना का सर्वप्रथम प्रेषण 15 दिन, 16 घंटे और 34 मिनट का था। इस समय के दौरान उसने पृथ्वी के 252 चक्कर काटे जिसमें उसने 10.45 मिलियन (एक करोड़, पैंतालीस लाख किलोमीटर की यात्रा की। उस जत्थे में एक जापानी तथा युक्रानिया का एक अंतरिक्ष-यात्री भी शामिल था। जत्थे ने, अंतरिक्ष में भोजन की बढ़ोतरी की निरीक्षण करने हेतु पौधों पर पराग सेचन से संबंधित प्रयोग किए और अधिक बलशाली धातुएँ तथा अधिक गति वाले कंप्यूटर की तीलियों को बनाने हेतु परीक्षण किए-इन सभी में लगभग 56 मिलियन (5 करोड़ 60 लाख) डालर की लागत आई।
During-in between, दौरान, बीच में। Around-in all directions, इर्द-गिर्द। Crewa space ship’s company, जत्था। Performedexecuted, carried out, सम्पन्न करना। Pollinatingshedding pollen upon, पराग सेचन करना। Observeto see minutely, सूक्ष्म परीक्षण करना। Chips-keys of organs, तीली, खपची।
6. On the ………………. engineering.
शनिवार की रात को जब कोलम्बिया के विध्वंस होने का समाचार आया तो आघात पहुँचा और अविश्वास हुआ। करनाल की जनता ने जागते हुए रात बिताई क्योंकि हजारों गृहस्थ इस आशा में टी.वी. के साथ चिपके रहे कि कल्पना और उसका जत्था सुरक्षित बचा रहे। एक पत्रकार ने लिखाः वह एक नायिका थी। अंतरिक्षयात्री बनने में अथाह योग्यता की आवश्यकता होती है। प्रत्येक विषय में आपको अत्यधिक ज्ञान की आवश्यकता पड़ेगी, जीव-विज्ञान से वायु-भौतिकी (astrophysics) तथा अंतरिक्षयान संबंधी। (aeronautical) इंजीनियरिंग।
Broke-was flashed, a.at. पर सुनाई गई। Shock-aviolent stroke, भयानक आघात। Disbelief-want of belief, अविश्वास। Households-families, घराने। Glued-stuck close, सटे हुए, चिपके हुए। Hope-expectation, आशा। Somehow-one way or the other, किसी तरह से। Survived-outlived, to live beyond some mishappening, किसी दुर्घटना के बाद जीवित रहना। Enormous-excessive, अत्यधिक।
In this age of ………………. inspiring.”
7. For millions ………………. their dreams.
अत्यधिक विशेषज्ञता (विशिष्टीकरण) के युग में एक अंतरक्षि-यात्री बनने के लिए आप को अवश्य ही विश्वकोषीय ज्ञान होना चाहिए। उसकी उपलब्धि भयात्मक विस्मयकारी है।’ लाखों युवक भारतीयों के लिए, एक छोटे कस्बे में रहने वाली लड़की, कल्पना चावला की कहानी, जिसने गगन का चुंबन कर लिया, प्रेरणा का स्रोत बन चुकी थी। अंतरिक्ष शट्टल कोलम्बिया में सवार कल्पना ने चंडीगढ़ में स्थित अपने कॉलेज के सहपाठी विद्यार्थियों के लिए, एक संदेश में कहा था। स्वप्नों से लेकर सफलता तक का मार्ग सुनिश्चित होता है। परंतु भगवान करे आपको वह दिव्य दृष्टि तथा उस तक पहुँचने का साहस प्राप्त हो जाए……आपकी महान यात्रा की मैं कामना करती हूँ। निश्चित रूप से (आप के बीच) बहुत से उस प्रकार के (विद्यार्थी) होंगे जो अपने स्वप्नों को साकार करने के लिए इस यात्रा पर पदार्पण करेंगे।
Specialisation-special branch of study, विशेषज्ञता (विशिष्टीकरण) Encyclopaedic-containing knowledge of all branches, विश्वकोश ज्ञता । Achievement-performance, उपलब्धि। Awe inspiring-Something that causes feeling of respect and admiration। Inspiration-a promoting factor, प्रेरणा। Aboard-(here) with in the space craft, अंतरिक्ष यान के भीतर। Exist-is present, उपस्थित होना। Vision-the faculty of sight, दृष्टि। Courage-daring, साहस। Surely-definitely, निश्चित रूप से। Fulfil-obtain, achieve, प्राप्त करना।
An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary in English
Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal. She graduated from Tagore School. She got the Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Then she went to the United States for a master’s degree. She also got Ph.D. degree in Aerospace engineering. She was married to flight instructor Jean Pierre Harrison. She became a naturalised US Citizen. She was licensed to fly land aeroplanes, sea planes and gliders. She was also a certified flight instructor.
Kalpana Chawla was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut. Her first space mission in the space shuttle Columbia was about 16 days long. She went around the earth 252 times. The crew performed 80 experiments and some tests.
Unluckily, Columbia broke apart in flames while returning to its landing trip. It was flying at an altitude of 200,000 feet during its 28th space flight. It killed all the seven crew on board. The whole country (India) mourned Kalpana’s death.
An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla in Hindi
कल्पना चावला का जन्म, करनाल में हुआ था। उसने टैगोर स्कूल से स्नातक की परीक्षा पास की थी। उसने Aeronautical Engineering में विज्ञान स्नातक की डिग्री प्राप्त की। फिर वह स्नातकोत्तर डिग्री प्राप्त करने के लिए संयुक्त राज्य में चली गई। उसने Aerospace Engineering में भी पी. एच. डी की डिग्री प्राप्त की। Jean Pierre Harrison नामक उड़ान प्रशिक्षक के साथ उसका विवाह हो गया। वह अमरीका की प्राकृतिक नागरिक बन गई। हवाई जहाज, समुद्री जहाज तथा ग्लाइडर चलाने का भी उसे लाइसेंस मिल गया। वह मान्यता प्राप्त उड़ान-प्रशिक्षक भी बन गई।
कल्पना चावला को NASA द्वारा, अंतरिक्ष यात्री के रूप में प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करने के लिए चुना गया। अंतरिक्ष शट्टल कोलम्बिया में उसका सर्वप्रथम प्रेषण, 16 दिन के लिए था। उसने 252 बार पृथ्वी के चक्कर काटे। जत्थे ने 80 प्रयोग तथा कुछ परीक्षण किए।
दुर्भाग्यवश, पृथ्वी पर लौटते समय, कोलम्बिया में आग लगने के कारण वह खंडित हो गया। अपनी 28वीं अंतरिक्ष उड़ान के दौरान वह 200, 000 फुट की ऊँचाई पर उड़ रहा था। इससे अंतरिक्ष यान में सवार जत्थे के सातों सदस्य मारे गए। समूचे देश (भारत) ने कल्पना की मृत्यु पर विलाप किया (शोक मनाया)।