Haryana State Board HBSE 10th Class English Solutions Grammar Simple Compound Complex Sentences Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 9th Class English Grammar Simple Compound Complex Sentences
What is a Sentence ?
A sentence is a group of words which makes complete sense.
(शब्दों के सार्थक समूह को वाक्य कहते हैं।)
He goes to school.
She runs a race.
I won a prize.
They made a mistake.
उपरोक्त सभी शब्द समूह Sentence का निर्माण करते हैं।
* Phrase : Phrase is also a group of words which makes complete sense.
(Phrase भी शब्दों का एक सार्थक समूह होता है।)
Here and there
in my pocket
on the roof.
उपरोक्त सभी शब्द समूह Phrase के उदाहरण हैं।
Sentence और Phrase में अन्तर:
A sentence has a Subject and a Predicate of its own but a Phrase has no Subject or a Predicate of its own. He goes. (यह वाक्य है क्योंकि इसका Subject (He) और Predicate (goes) है।)
here and there. (यह एक सार्थक शब्द समूह तो है परन्तु वाक्य नहीं है क्योंकि इसका न तो कोई Subject है और न ही Predicate है।)
* Clause:
A group of words which is meaningful and has a subject and a Predicate of its own but forms part of a sentence is called a clause.
(Clause शब्दों का सार्थक समूह होता है जिसका अपना Subject और Predicate होता है लेकिन यह स्वतन्त्र न होकर एक वाक्य का अंग होती है।)
Kinds of Sentences :
There are three kinds of sentences from structure point of view. They are :
1. Simple Sentence
2. Compound Sentence
3. Complex Sentence.
Now we shall discuss the features of these types of sentences :
1. Simple Sentence :
(साधारण वाक्य में केवल एक Subject और एक Predicate होता है)
The predicate has one finite verb.
Gurpreet is writing a letter.
Satwant is proud of her new dress.
Manoj invited his friends to tea.
Swami solved the sum.
Sid and Tom studied together.
In the above sentences ‘Gurpreet’, ‘Satwant’, ‘Manoj’, ‘Swami’ ‘Sid and Tom’ are subjects. The rest of each sentehce is a predicate.
‘writing’, ‘is’, ‘invited’, ‘solved’ and ‘studied’ are finite verbs.
2. Compound Sentence :
A compound sentence is that sentence which consists of two or more co-ordinate or independent clauses. These clauses are joined to each other by means of conjunctions. (दो या दो से अधिक Independent Clauses के मेल से बने वाक्य को Compound (संयुक्त) Sentence कहते हैं।)
Note : The following are the main co-ordinating conjunctions :
and, as well as, so, therefore, or, otherwise, but, yet, still, nevertheless, consequently, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but (also), etc.
Mohan met me and gave me a pen.
Hurry up or you will miss the train.
He wanted to study, but his father asked him to run the family business.
He came late, so he was fined.
He is poor, yet he is honest.
He is mischievous, nevertheless, he is intelligent.
3. Complex Sentence:
A complex sentence has one Main Clause and one or more Subordinate Clauses.
(जिस वाक्य में एक Main Clause और एक Subordinate Clause होती है, उसे Complex (मिश्रित) Sentence कहते हैं।)
I met a man who was an engineer.
He walks as if he were the king of Patiala.
When he saw the police, he ran away.
You will pass if you work hard.
Exercise 1
Tell whether the following sentences are simple, complex or compound :
1. Work hard otherwise you will fail.
2. I will tell you the whole truth about the matter.
3. Since you say so, I believe it.
4. He approached me to get my favour.
5. Two and two make four.
6. She does not want to oblige you.
7. If you have a ticket, you may go inside.
8. You cannot come in until you feel sorry.
9. Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
10. As soon as I reached my house, it started raining.
1. compound sentence
2. simple sentence
3. complex sentence
4. simple sentence
5. simple sentence
6. simple sentence
7. complex sentence
8. complex sentence
9. complex sentence
10. complex sentence.
Kinds of Subordinate Clauses :
Three kinds of Subordinate Clauses :
(i) Noun Clauses
(ii) Adjective Clauses
(iii) Adverb Clauses
(i) Noun Clauses
A noun in a sentence functions as a subject or an object. So a noun clause also does the function either of subject or of an object.
(एक वाक्य में संज्ञा एक कर्ता या कर्म के रूप में कार्य करती है। इसलिए एक Noun clause भी एक कर्ता या कर्म का कार्य करती है।)
How can we recognise a noun clause in a complex sentence ?
Replace the whole subordinate clause with the word‘something’.
If the sentence remains grammatical it will be a Noun Clause.
(पूरी Subordinate Clause के स्थान पर ‘something’ शब्द लिखो।)
यदि वाक्य व्याकरण के आधार पर सही लगता है तो वह clause निश्चित रूप से Noun Clause ही होगी। जैसे-
He told me that he would go to Mumbai.
Subordinate Clause = that he would go to Mumbai = something.
Sentence = He told me something.
(उसने मुझे कुछ बताया।)
Something what ?
Ans. ‘that he would go to Mumbai’ = Noun Clause.
(जब Subordinate Clause, Principal Clause के main verb से किए गए प्रश्न ‘क्या ?’ का उत्तर दे देती है, तब भी वह Noun Clause ही होती है।)
Combination of Simple Sentences into a complex sentence by using a noun clause:
(दो वाक्य दिए होंगे। जिनमें से एक वाक्य Noun Clause होता है और दूसरा वाक्य Principal Clause होता है। इन्हें एक वाक्य में जोड़ना है।)
1. यदि Noun Clause Question Word से शुरू होती है और Principal Clause के अन्त में thisit लगा होता है तो Principal Clause को पहले लिखते हैं, This या it को हटा देते हैं और Noun Clause को बाद में लिखते हैं लेकिन Noun Clause को लिखते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखते हैं कि Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया) को Noun/Pronoun के बाद लिखते हैं।
(a) Where is your pen ? Tell me this.
Tell me where your pen is.
(b) When will the next train arrive ? Go and ask the guard.
Go and ask the guard when the next train will arrive.
2. यदि Noun Clause Question Word से शुरू होती है और This/It Principal Clause के शुरू में लगा होता है तो Noun Clause को वाक्य के शुरू में लिखते हैं और This/lt को हटाकर Principal Clause को वाक्य के अंत में लिखते हैं।
(a) When did he leave the town ? It is a wonder.
When he left the town is a wonder.
(b) What does he do for a living ? It is a mystery.
What he does for a living is a mystery.
3. यदि Noun Clause साधारण वाक्य में है और Principal Clause के अंत में this/it लगा है तो Principal Clause को पहले लिखते हैं (this/it को हटाकर) और उसके बाद that लगाकर Noun Clause को लिखते हैं
(a) He would pass. I knew it.
I knew that he would pass.
(b) The patient will recover soon. The doctor is confident of it.
The doctor is confident that the patient will recover soon.
4. निम्नलिखित परिवर्तनों पर ध्यान दीजिए
(a) (Something को हटाकर योजक शब्द What का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
(i) He said something. I am not impressed by it.
I am not impressed by what he said.
(ii) He does something. It is not known to me.
What he does is not known to me.
(b) (Somewhere और the place को हटाकर योजक शब्द Where का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
He worked somewhere. Tell me the place.
Tell me where he worked.
(c) (The reason को हटाकर योजक शब्द Why का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
(i) You have rejected my application. Tell me the reason.
Tell me why you have rejected my application.
(ii) You come late daily. I want to know the reason.
I want to know why you come late daily.
HBSE 9th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences
(d) (Someone को हटाकर who का प्रयोग करते हैं।)
Someone has stolen your book. I know him.
I know who has stolen your book.
5. (Noun Clause का प्रयोग Verb (क्रिया) के complement के रूप मैं)
(i) He will improve. This is our hope.
Our hope is that he will improve.
(ii) I have not got the money. This is the fact.
The fact is that I have not got the money.
6. (Noun Clause का प्रयोग Noun/Pronoun के object के रूप में)
(i) Who is responsible for the loss ? My question has not been answered.
My question who is responsible for the loss has not been answered.
(ii) India has won the match. The news is true.
The news that India has won the match is true.
Exercise 1
Combine the following pairs of sentences into complex sentences by using Noun Clause:
1. What the thieves did with all the money. It is a mystery.
2. The prices will not come down. You can be sure.
3. He will pass. I am confident.
4. He was saying something. They were listening to it.
5. He has lost his way. This is my fear.
6. He would go on a pilgrimage. He said that.
7. He will win the election. It is clear.
8. The bridge will collapse. The engineers are afraid.
9. They suggested something. We were all against it.
10. He will win a scholarship. I am sure.
1. What the thieves did with all the money is a mystery.
2. You can be sure that the prices will not come down.
3. I am confident that he will pass.
4. They were listening to what he was saying.
5. My fear is that he has lost his way.
6. He said that he would go on a pilgrimage.
7. It is clear that he will win the election.
8. The engineers are afraid that the bridge will collapse.
9. We were all against what he suggested.
10. I am sure that he will win a scholarship.
Exercise 2
Combine the following sentences into complex sentences by using one of the sentences in each set into a Noun Clause:
1. He says something. We can’t rely on that.
2. You demand some money. I am ready to lend it.
3. You are innocent. That is a fact.
4. He would soon pay back the debt. He promised it.
5. He was a party to the plot. It is not a fact.
6. The result will be out tomorrow. I am sure of it.
7. He may be honest. I do not know.
8. The accident took place somewhere. I shall take you to the place.
9. I said something. I am sorry for it.
10. Death keeps no calendar. We all know it.
1. I can’t rely on what he says.
2. I am ready to lend you what you demand.
3. The fact is that you are innocent.
4. He promised that he would soon pay back the debt
5. It is not a fact that he was a party to the plot
6. I am sure that the result will be out tomorrow.
7. I do not know that he is honest.
8. I shall take you to the place where the accident took place.
9. I am sorry for what I said.
10. We all know that death keeps no calendar.
Exercise 3
Join the following pairs of sentences, into complex sentences using noun clauses:
1. The patient has died. This is my fear.
2. The police has arrested the murderer. This is the news.
3. She was taking a risk. She realised that.
4. He will get first division. This is certain.
5. The conversation was upsetting him. It was a fact.
6. We should drop the plan. This is my suggestion.
7. There is a lot of corruption in the country. The opposition pointed out this fact.
8. The audience listened to the speech. The speaker gave that speech.
9. The audience followed the speaker. It was a wonder.
10. Mohan has no money. That is a fact.
1. My fear is that the patient has died.
2. The news is that the police has arrested the murderer.
3. She realised that she was taking a risk.
4. This is certain that he will get first division.
5. The fact was that the conversation was upsetting him.
6. My suggestion is that we should drop the plan.
7. The opposition pointed out the fact that there was a lot of corruption in the country.
8. The audience listened to what the speaker said.
9. It was a wonder that the audience followed the speaker.
10. The fact is that Mohan has no money.
Exercise 4
Combine the sentences using a noun clause in each case.
1. Why is he coming here? Does Mohan know this?
2. When will I catch the train ? I don’t know this.
3. Why does Mohan beat his brother ? I cannot understand this.
4. The money is missing. This is the fact.
5. When did she leave the town? It is a mystery.
6. How does he earn so much money? Nobody knows this.
7. He would come. I was certain of that.
8. What does the teacher say? Listen to it.
9. He did something. I am not impressed by it.
10. The principal was coming. The whole class knew it.
1. Does Mohan know why he is coming here ?
2. I don’t know when I will catch the train.
3. I can’t understand why Mohan beats his brother.
4. The fact is that the money is missing.
5. When she left the town is a mystery.
6. Nobody knows how he earns so much money.
7. I was certain that he would come.
8. Listen to what the teacher says.
9. I am not impressed by what he did.
10. The whole class knew that the principal was coming.
(ii) Adjective Clauses
An adjective qualifies a noun or a pronoun. So an adjective clause also qualifies a noun or a pronoun. (विशेषण किसी संज्ञा या सर्वनाम की विशेषता बताता है। इसलिए Adjective Clause भी किसी संज्ञा या सर्वनाम की विशेषता बताती है।)
जैसे- This is the house where I was born.
(यह वह घर है जहाँ पर मेरा जन्म हुआ था।)
Here, the adjective clause ‘where I was born’ qualifies the house’.
(यहाँ पर adjectiveclause where I was born’ ‘the house’ की विशेषता बताती है।)
How to recognise an adjective clause ?
Conjunction (योजक) से पहले कोई संज्ञा या सर्वनाम अवश्य होंगे; (जैसे उपरोक्त वाक्य में योजक ‘where’ से पहले ‘the house’ था।)
Sub ordinate clause (Adjective Clause) ‘something’ शब्द को अपना स्थान नहीं देगी। (यदि ‘something’ उसके स्थान पर रख भी दिया तो वाक्य निरर्थक हो जाएगा; जैसे)
This is the house something.
(वाक्य निरर्थक है। Main clause से मुख्य verb से यदि प्रश्न किया जाए कि ‘कौन’, ‘कौन-सा’, किसे ?, किसका ? तो subordinate clause उसका उत्तर देती है; जैसे This is the house where I was born.)
Principal Clause = This is the house.
(प्रश्न करो-कौन-सा घर ?)
(उत्तर मिलेगा-where I was borm.)
(जहाँ पर मेरा जन्म हुआ था।)
Similarly we may have one more example:
The boy who is wearing a red shirt is a friend of mine.
Principal Clause = The boy is a friend of mine.
(प्रश्न करो कि कौन-सा लड़का है ?)
(उत्तर Subordinate Clause देगी-)
(‘जिसने लाल कमीज पहन रखी है।’)
‘Whois wearing a red shirt’.
Thus we can recognise an adjective clause.
Conjunctions of relative clauses:
(i) Relative Pronouns: who, whose, whom, which, that etc.
(ii) Relative adverbs when, how, where, why, etc.
Exercise 1
Combine the following pairs of sentences by using defining relative (adjectival) clauses:
1. The man composed this song. He is visiting us tomorrow.
2. I saw several houses. They were quite unsuitable.
3. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.
4. The woman is begging. Her husband is dead.
5. This is Jaidev. His son won the scholarship this year.
6. I saw a picture. It fascinated me.
7. I have bought a watch. It shows date.
8. I met Mohan. He gave me ten rupees.
9. This is Miss Deepika. I talked to you about her.
10. This is Harish. His pocket was picked yesterday.
11. That is the painting. It was praised by everyone.
12. He is the man. I went to see him.
13. The man was sitting in the chair. I had gone to meet him.
14. I was waiting for a man. He did not come.
15. He introduced me to Sheela. She has become famous for painting.
1. The man who composed this song is visiting us tomorrow.
2. I saw several houses which were quite unsuitable.
3. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.
4. The woman whose husband is dead is begging.
5. This is Jaidev whose son won the scholarship this year.
6. I saw a picture which fascinated me.
7. I have bought a watch which shows date.
8. I met Mohan who gave me ten rupees.
9. This is Miss Deepika about whom I talked to you.
10. This is Harish whose pocket was picked yesterday.
11. That is the painting which was praised by everyone.
12. He is the man with whom I went to see him.
13. The man whom I had gone to meet was sitting in the chair.
14. I was waiting for a man who did not come.
15. He introduced me to Sheela who has become famous for painting.
(iii) Adverb Clauses
An adverb clause functions as an adverb in the sentence.
(एक adverb clause में क्रिया विशेषण का कार्य करती है।)
Kinds of Adverb Clauses:
1. Adverb Clauses of Time (कब ?):
Conjunctions: when, whenever, while, after, before, since, as soon as etc. You may come to my office whenever you like.
The bell rang after I reached school.
The patient had died before the doctor came.
2. Adverb Clauses of Place (कहाँ ?):
Conjunctions: where, wherever, whence.
I left the car where it broke down.
You may go wherever you like Go whence you came.
3. Adverb Clause of Reason/cause (क्यों ?):
Conjunctions: because, since, as, etc.
I could not attend you properly because I was so busy.
Since you say so, I believe you.
4. Adverb Clause of Manner (कैसे ?):
Conjunctions: as if, as though, as Do as I tell you.
She behaves as though she is a fairy queen.
5. Adverb Clause of Purpose (उद्देश्य):
Conjunctions: that, so that, in order that, for fear that etc.
We eat so that we may live. He drove fast in order that he might reach on time.
6. Adverb Clause of Result (परिभाषा):
Conjunctions: So + adjective + that etc.
He worked so hard that he scored 80% marks.
7. Adverb Clause of Contrast/concession:
Conjunctions: though, although, even though etc.
Although he has crossed seventy, he is very active.
Though he is poor, he is very contented.
8. Adverb Clause of Comparison:
Conjunctions: as-as; so-as; than.
She is not so rude as her mother.
She is as bold as her father.
He speaks more softly than his friends.
9. Adverb Clause of Condition:
Conjunctions: if, in case, unless, whether, provided that, as long as supposing that, etc.
If you work hard, you will pass.
Unless you work, you cannot succeed in life.
10. Adverb Clause of Proportion:
The higher you go, the cooler it is.
Exercise 1
Combine the following sentences using an Adverb Clause in each case:
1. He injured himself. He was alighting from the bus. (use as or while)
2. The platform became quiet. The train had left. (use when or after)
3. Arrange these books. I have shown you. (use as)
4. I was veiy upset. I felt like crying. (use so + adj + that)
5. Your brother is tall. My brother is taller. (use then)
6. You finish the work early. We can play tennis. (use if)
7. It was raining cats and dogs. They were playing football. (use although)
8. Mohan should start very early. It will be better. (use the earlier, yhe better)
9. My brother could not do homework. There was no power last night. (use because)
10. She dan’ces extremely well. You cannot help clapping. (use so…. that)
1. He injured himself as/while he was alighting from the bus.
2. The platform became quiet after the train had left.
3. Arrange these books as I have shown you.
4. I was so upset that I left like crying.
5. My brother is taller than your brother.
6. If you finish the work early, we can play tennis.
7. Although it was raining like cats and dogs, they were playing football.
8. The earlier Mohan start, the better it will be for him.
9. My brother could not do homework because there was no power last night
10. She dances so extremely well that you cannot help clapping.
Compound Sentences:
A compound sentence has more than one main clauses. These clauses are joined together by co-ordinating conjunctions such as…… (and, but, yet, still, so, therefore, or, otherwise, neither……. nor, not only but also, either……. or)
(एक compound sentence में एक से अधिक main clauses होती हैं। ये clauses co-ordinating conjunctions के द्वारा जुड़ी होती हैं।
Co-ordinating conjunctions के द्वारा जोड़ी गई दोनों clause एक समान status की होती हैं।
He came in.
He saw everything with his own eyes.
He said nothing.
He came in and he saw everything with his own eyes but he kept silent.
(उपरोक्त वाक्य में तीन main clauses को co-ordinating conjunctions का प्रयोग करके जोड़ा गया है अतः यह एक compound sentence (संयुक्त वाक्य) है।)
He should work hard or he will fail.
you can either eat an apple or you can drink apple juice.
He is neither intelligent nor is he a hard worker.
He is ill but he is still working.
He closed the shop and then he went to a temple.
Exercise 1
Combine each of the following groups of sentences into compound sentences using co-ordinating conjunctions.
1. He got the best treatment. He is not out of danger.
2. Mohan worked hard. He passed the examination.
3. He was absent. He was fined.
4. Vinod burnt the midnight oil. He did not get 1st division.
5. Kamla went to the market. She purchased a suit.
6. Work hard. You will fail otherwise.
7. Suresh is very rich. He is not happy.
8. You may write with a pen. You may use a pencil.
9. He knocked several times. No one came to open the door.
10. He is honest. He is faithful.
1. He got the best treatment, yet he is not out of danger.
2. Mohan worked hard and passed the examination.
3. He was absent, so he was fined.
4. Vinod burnt the midnight oil, but he did not get 1st division.
5. Kamla went to the market and purchased a suit.
6. Work hard or you will fail.
7. Suresh is very rich, yet he is not happy.
8. You may either write with a pen or you may use a pencil.
9. He knocked several times, but no one came to open the door.
10. He is honest as well as faithful.
Exercise 2
Combine each of the following groups of sentences into compound sentences using co-ordinating conjunctions.
1. You may read. You may play.
2. The villager could not read. He could not write.
3. Radha’s marks were not high. She was able to get admission to a College.
4. Suresh is intelligent. His brother is dull.
5. I lost my way. I asked a passer-by the way. Being new he could not guide me.
6. He took me to his home. He gave me good food. He helped me with money.
7. He taught me. He also gave me books free.
8. He is very rich. He is not proud.
9. Mohan is not at school. He is not at home.
10. Iam tired. I have been working all day.
1. You may either read or play.
2 The villager could neither read nor write.
3. Radha’s marks were not high, yet she was able to get admission to a college.
4. Suresh is intelligent, but his brother is dull.
5. I lost my way and asked a passer-by the way, but being new he could not guide me.
6. He took me home, gave me good food and helped me with money.
7. He not only taught me, but also gave me books free.
8. He is very rich yet he is not proud.
9. Mohan is neither at school nor at home.
10.1 am tired as I have been working all day.
Exercise 3
Combine each of the following groups of sentences into compound sentences using co-ordinating conjunctions.
1. Gopal passed. His sister failed.
2. Work hard. You will fail.
3. I help the poor. You tease them.
4. He did not come. He did not send any message.
5. Hire a taxi. You will miss the train.
6. We visited Agra. We visited Mathura also.
7. You should give up smoking. You will suffer from cancer.
8. He talked. The teacher taught.
9. Our team played well. We won the match.
10. Our team played well. We lost the match.
1. Gopal passed, but his sister failed.
2. Work hard or you will fail.
3. I help the poor while you tease them.
4. Neither he came nor sent any message.
5. Hire a taxi or you will miss the train.
6. We visited not only Agra but Mathura also.
7. You should give up smoking otherwise you will suffer from cancer.
8. He talked while the teacher taught.
9. Our team played well and we won the match.
10. Our team played well but we lost the match.
- What is transformation?
When a sentence is changed from one grammatical form to another, without changing its meaning, it is called Transformation or Conversion of a sentence.
I. Change Of Simple Sentences Into Compound Sentences
1. Simple : You must work hard to get good marks
Compound : You must work hard and get good marks.
2. Simple : To our disgrace, he betrayed the country.
Compotind : He betrayed our country and this was a disgrace to us.
3. Simple : Seeing the police, the culprit escaped.
Compound : The culprit saw the police and escaped.
4. Simple : To our surprises he had reached home before us.
Compound : He had reached home before us and it surprised us.
5. Simple : He fell on the ground to escape being crushed.
Compound : He fell on the ground or he would have been crushed.
6. Simple : Owing to ill health he could not get a promotion.
Compound : He was ill, therefore, he could not get a promotion.
7. Simple : Besides being beautiful, the girl is clever.
Compound : The girl is not only beautiful but also clever.
8. Simple : Being hungry, he demanded food.
Compound : He was hungry and demanded food.
9. Simple : Inspite of being tired, he went on.
Compound : He was tired, but he went on.
10. Simple : Mohan having confessed, Sudhir will now be acquitted.
Compound : Mohan has confessed and Sudhir will now be acquitted.
II. Change Of Compound Sentences Into Simple Sentences
1. Compound : He climbed up the tree and plucked some mangoes.
Simple : Climbing the tree, he plucked some mangoes.
2. Compound : You must take some medicine, otherwise you cannot get well.
Simple : You cannot get well without taking some medicine.
3. Compound : I gave him not only food, but some money also.
Simple : Besides food, I gave him some money also.
4.Compound : He had good luck and was advised by a clever advocate.
Simple : Owing to his good luck he was advised by a clever advocate.
5. Compound : He made sincere efforts and got good marks.
Simple : Through his sincere efforts, he got good marks.
6. Compound : He worked hard but failed.
Simple : Now withstanding his hard work, he failed.
7. Compound : He appeared in the examination a third time and was successful.
Simple : After appearing in the examination a third time, he was successful.
8. Compound : Not only was the stranger given food but was provided with money.
Simple : Besides being given food the stranger was provided with money.
9. Compound : The president arrived and the meeting began.
Simple : The president having arrived, the meeting began.
10. Compound : The train stopped and we returned home.
Simple : The train having stopped, we returned home.
11. Compound : He went to London and studied English.
Simple : He went to London in order to study English.
III. Change Of Simple Sentences Into Complex Sentences Using Noun Clauses
Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences using noun clauses:
1. Simple : Mohan promised to help me.
Complex : Mohan promised that he would help me.
2. Simple : According to his order, it must be done.
Complex : He ordered that it must be done.
3. Simple : He admitted defeat.
Complex : He admitted that he had been defeated.
4. Simple : Please listen to me.
Complex : Please listen to what I am saying.
5. Simple : This is my pay.
Complex : This is what I am paid.
6. Simple : He will certainly help you.
Complex : That he will help you is certain.
7. Simple : I am glad to hear of your success.
Complex : I am glad to hear that you have succeeded.
8. Simple : I cannot understand the reason of his failure.
Complex : I cannot understand why he has failed.
9. Simple : The clerk admitted his mistake.
Complex : The clerk admitted that he was mistaken.
10. Simple : Do you want me to go there ?
Complex : Do you want that I should go there ?
IV. Change Of Simple Sentences Into Complex Sentences Using Adjective Clauses
Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences using adjective clauses:
1. Simple : He has a mischievous son.
Complex : He has a son who is mischievous. Please bring the big chair.
2. Simple : Please bring the chair which is big.
Complex : I have loving parents.
3. Simple : I have parents who love me.
Complex : This is my book.
4. Simple : This is the book which belongs to me.
Complex : He was the first man to come.
5. Simple : He was the first man who came.
Complex : I saw a girl in a red dress.
6. Simple : I saw a girl who was in a red dress.
Complex : This is the time to go.
7. Simple : This is the time when you should go.
Complex : The writer of this book is coming tomorrow.
8. Simple : The man who wrote this book is coming tomorrow.
Complex : The man who wrote this book is coming tomorrow.
9. Simple : I want a red pen.
Complex : I want a pen which is red.
10. Simple : He was coming with a lame man.
Complex : He was coming with a man who was lame.
V. Change Of Simple Sentences Into Complex Sentences Using Adverbial Clauses
1.Simple : The cat being absent, the mice will play.
Complex : When the cat is away, the mice will play.
2. Simple : I will go on receiving his message.
Complex : I will go when I receive his message.
3. Simple : We eat to live.
Complex : We eat so that we live.
4. Simple : I went early to get a good seat.
Complex : I went early so that I could get a good seat.
5. Simple : We waited for his finishing his work.
Complex : We waited until he finished his work.
6. Simple : He is honest inspite of his poverty.
Complex : Although he is poor, he is honest.
7. Simple : We stayed at home because of the bad weather.
Complex : We stayed at home as the weather was bad.
8. Simple : He acted according to my expectation.
Complex : He acted as I had expected.
9. Simple : He could not speak because of his anger.
Complex : He was so angry that he could not speak.
10. Simple : I met him at our usual meeting place.
Complex : I met him where we usually meet.
VI. Change Of Complex Sentences Into Simple Sentences
1. Complex : He remarked how beautiful the sunset was
Simple : He remarked on the beauty of the sunset.
2. Complex : He said that he was innocent.
Simple : He declared his innocence.
3. Complex : I cannot tell you how long my speech will be.
Simple : I cannot tell you about the length of my speech.
4. Complex : This is the letter which he was written by him.
Simple : This was the letter written by him.
5. Complex : Such as are wise can think.
Simple : Only the wise can think.
6. Complex : This is the road which marks the frontier.
Simple : This is the road marking the frontier.
7. Complex : Give me the book which is red.
Simple : Give me the red book.
8. Complex : I saw an animal which was three-footed.
Simple : I saw a three-footed animal.
9. Complex : I was glad when I heard of your success
Simple : 1 was glad to hear of your success.
10. Complex : The boy is so weak that he cannot walk.
Simple : The boy is too weak to walk.
VII. Change Of Compound Sentences Into Complex Sentences
1. Compound : Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Complex : If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child.
2. Compound : You must work hard or face punishment.
Complex : If you don’t work hard, you will get punishment.
3. Compound : He took medicine but he did not get well.
Complex : He did not get well although he took medicine.
4. Compound : She worked hard so she got a prize.
Complex : She got a prize as she had worked hard.
5. Compound : Trust God and you will not fail.
Complex : You will not fail if you trust God.
6. Compound : I did not go to Kashmir and missed the fun.
Complex : I missed the fun because I did not go to Kashmir.
7. Compound : Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
Complex : If you ask no questions, you will not be told lies.
8. Compound : The teacher was strict but always loving.
Complex : Though the teacher was strict, he was always loving.
9. Compound : It is now late, so we had better go to bed.
Complex : As it is now late, we had better go to bed.
10. Compound : Take care of your money, and you will be happy in your old age.
Complex : If you take care of your money, you will be happy in your old age.
VIII. Transformation Of Complex Sentences Into Compound Sentences
1. Complex : Although he is poor, he is contented.
Compound : He is contented, though poor.
2. Complex :As he is generous, people like him.
Compound :He is generous, so people like him.
3. Complex :He would began again after he had taken off his coat.
Compound : He would take off his coat and begin again.
4. Complex :When the nail was found, he would have lost the hammer.
Compound :The nail would be found but he would have lost the hammer.
5. Complex :If you do not hold your tongue, you will be beaten.
Compound :Hold your tongue or you will be beaten.
6. Complex :As soon as the bell rang, the school work commenced.
Compound :The bell rang and the school work commenced.
7. Complex :I am glad that you have recovered from illness.
Compound :You have recovered from illness and I am glad.
8. Complex :Unless you do your home work, your teacher will be angry with you.
Compound :You must do your work or the teacher will be angry with you.
Solved Exercises
Exercise 1
Transform the following simple sentences into compound sentences:
1. He was too honest a man to tell a lie.
2. Besides the judge the jury believe the man to be guilty.
3. The sun having shone the mist cleared up.
4. Inspite of my advice, he made no use of his time.
5. Through his sincere efforts, he succeeded in life.
6. Not with standing his hard work, he failed.
7. Though frightened, he was not much hurt.
8. On this verandah the poet sat gazing at the scenery.
9. The man sat near the house, smoking and drinking.
10. Though young, he was wise.
1. He was very honest and would not tell a lie.
2. He Jury as well as the judge believed the man to the guilty.
3. The sun shone and the mist cleared up.
4. I advised him but he made no use of his time.
5. He made sincere efforts and succeeded in life.
6. He worked hard but failed.
7. He was frightened but not much hurt.
8. The poet sat in the verandah and gazed at the scenery.
9. The man sat near the bouse and smoked and drank.
10. He was young but wise.
Exercise 2
Transform the following compound sentences into simple sentences:
1. The thief saw the police and ran away.
2. He finished the exercise and put away his books.
3. He put the spade aside and took rest.
4. We are tired, so we should take some tea.
5. The work was completed so I made the payment.
6. He finished his work in the city and came back by train.
7. He slept late and got up late next morning.
8. The child saw the sweets, and his mouth watered.
9. He burst into tears and went away.
10. I looked at the scene and was surprised.
1. Seeing the police, the thief ran away.
2. Having finished the exercise, he put away his books.
3. Putting aside the spade, he took rest.
4. Being tired, we should take some tea.
5. The work having been completed, I made payment.
6. Having finished the work in the city, he came back by train.
7. Having slept late, he got up late next morning.
8. Seeing the sweets, the child’s mouth watered.
9. Bursting into tears, he went away.
10. Looking at the scene, I was surprised.
Exercise 3
Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences using noun clauses:
1. I saw the trouble brewing.
2. This is not the way to clean things.
3. He had evidently expected the challenge.
4. His main work seems to make cigarettes.
5. They seemed to enjoy it.
6. We never expected to see such an animal.
7. The island seemed to be divided up into squares.
8. His aptitude for science was soon apparent.
9. And 1 don’t expect to see his here again.
10. 1 want you to take him out.
1. I saw that the trouble was brewing.
2. This is not the way how things are cleared.
3. It was evident that he had expected the challenge.
4. It seemed that his main work was to make cigarettes.
5. It seemed that they enjoyed it
6. We never expected that we would see such an animal.
7. It seemed that the island was divided up into squares.
8. It was soon apparent that he had aptitude for science.
9. And I don’t expect that I should see him again.
10. I want you should take him out.
Exercise 4
Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences using adjective clauses:
1. I want to talk to this man.
2. He was bom in this city.
3. He got my letter.
4. Yesterday I met an intelligent girl.
5. Uneasy lies the crowned head.
6. She is a stupid girl.
7. He left because of this reason.
8. Mihir Sen undertook a perilous swim.
9. A hardworking man is liked by all.
10. I cannot understand the hard sum.
1. This is the man to whom I want to talk.
2. This is the city where he was born.
3. He got the letter which I sent.
4. Yesterday I met a girl who was intelligent.
5. Uneasy lies the head which wears the crown.
6. She is the girl who is stupid.
7. This is the reason why he left.
8. Mihir Sen undertook the swim which was perilous.
9. A man who is hardworking is liked by all.
10. I cannot understand the sum which is hard.
Exercise 5
Change the following simple sentences into complex sentences using adverbial clauses:
1. It makes my flesh crawl to hear you.
2. Your tooth being out, you can go to school.
3. His mouth began to water at the thought of mangoes.
4. I met him at our usual place.
5. She walks like a queen.
6. Inspite of being poor, he is honest.
7. The conductor pulled the bell and the bus stopped.
8. He will die of sun stroke by keeping on like this.
9. 1 looked at it more closely and found her right.
10. She talked like a mad woman.
1. It makes my flesh crawl when I hear you.
2. You can go to school as your tooth is out
3. His mouth began to water when he thought of the mangoes.
4. I met him where we usually met
5. She walks as if she were a queen.
6. Although he is poor, yet he is honest
7. The bus stopped when the conductor pulled the bell.
8. He will die if he keeps on like this.
9. I found her right when I looked at it more closely.
10. She talked as if she were a mad woman.
Exercise 6
Transform the following complex sentences into simple sentences:
1. I know that you are the noblest of men.
2. I have no sentiments in this matter which are religious.
3. He sat down with us after he had taken bath.
4. I wept when I thought of my own calamity.
5. I bid them that they should drink the poison.
6. It was only Socrates who remained calm.
7. You know what my errand is.
8. We were ashamed when we heard his words.
9. The boy who was carrying a letter, entered.
10. I shall look as if I were poverty stricken.
1. I known you to be the noblest of men.
2. I have no religious sentiments in this matter.
3. He sat down with us after taking bath.
4. I wept when 1 thought of my own calamity.
5. I bid them to drink the poison.
6. Only Socrates remained calm.
7. You know my errand.
8. We were ashamed when we heard his words.
9. The boy carrying a letter entered.
10. I shall look poverty stricken.
Exercise 7
Transform the following compound sentences into complex sentences:
1. Do the sum and I will let you go.
2. They reached the top and looked for the man.
3. He is poisonous and will cause sores.
4. He is old but he is full of activity.
5. We started for home and the rain came at once.
6. The TV was not working properly and the mechanic repaired it.
7. He worked hard but he did not get good marks.
8. The teacher came and the students became calm.
9. She came late, so she was punished.
10. He picked up the bag and went to the car.
1. If you do the sum, I will let you go.
2. They looked for the man when they reached the top.
3. As he is poisonous the will cause sores.
4. Although he is old, he is full of activity.
5. As soon as he started for home the rain came.
6. As the TV was not working properly, the mechanic repaired it.
7. Although he worked hard, he did not get good marks.
8. When the teacher came, the students became calm.
9. She was punished because she came late.
10. He went to the car after he had picked the bag.
Exercise 8
Transform the following complex sentences into compound ones :
1. I am certain that you have broken the glass.
2. As soon as I received the information I left for Delhi.
3. The rain came as soon as we started for home.
4. Although he is strict, he is good at heart.
5. Although he was defeated, he could still argue.
6. If you buy a cheap thing, you will repent.
7. As he was sick, he could not eat.
8. I shall receive you at the station when the train arrives.
9. He works hard so that he can please his master.
10. The sun rose and the fog disappeared.
1. You have broken the glass and I am certain of it.
2. I received the information and immediately left for Delhi.
3. I started for home and the rain came immediately.
4. He is strict, but he is good at heart
5. He was defeated but he could still argue.
6. Buy a cheap thing and you will repent
7. He was sick and could not eat
8. The train arrives and I will receive at the station.
9. He wants to please his master and therefore works hard.
10. The fog disappeared when the sun rose.