Haryana Board 7th Class English Solutions An Alien Hand Chapter 5 Golu Grows a Nose
HBSE 7th Class English Golu Grows a Nose Textbook Questions and Answers
Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Whom does Golu ask, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?”
Golu, baby elephant asked ostrich that why did he not fly like other birds.
Question 2.
Which uncle of Golu had red eyes?
Hippopotamus, huge uncle of Golu’s eyes were always very red.
Question 3.
Golu’s relatives did not answer his questions because
(i) they were shy.
(ii) the questions were too difficult.
(iii) Golu was a naughty baby.?
(ii) the questions were too difficult.
Question 4.
Who advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river?
Mynah suggested Golu that he should go to the Limpopo river to find out his answer.
Question 5.
Why did Golu go to the river?
Golu went to the river to find out that what the crocodile had for dinner. He had never seen a crocodile and wanted to find out his identity.
Question 6.
The crocodile lay on the bank of the Limpopo river. Golu thought it was:
(i) a living crocodile.
(ii) a dead crocodile.
(iii) a log of wood.
(iii) a log of wood.
Question 7.
What did the crocodile do to show that it was a real crocodile?
Crocodile shed crocodile tears to show that he was a real crocodile.
Question 8.
‘Come here, little one, and I’ll whisper the answer to you’. The crocodile said this because:
(i) he couldn’t stand up.
(ii) he wanted to eat’Golu.
(iii) Golu was deaf.
(ii) he wanted to eat Golu.
Question 9.
Who helped Golu on the bank of the river?
It was python’s advise and help which freed Golu from crocodile.
Question 10.
Name two things the elephant can do with his trunk, and two he cannot.
The trunk is very helpful for the elephant. With the help of trunk, the elephant can pluck large bundle of grass and can scoop mud from the bank.
But the trunk cannot help elephant to walk and eating food.
HBSE 7th Class English Golu Grows a Nose Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What did the ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon think about Golu?
The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon thought that Golu was a naughty boy. He asked difficult questions.
Question 2.
Why did the mynah bird send Golu to Limpopo river?
The mynah bird sent Golu to Limpopo river to find ant what crocodile had for dinner.
Question 3.
What things did Golu take to grassy Limpopo river?
Golu took a hundred sugarcanes, fifty dozen bananas and twenty-five melons to grassy Limpopo river.
Question 4.
What questions did Golu ask the python?
Golu met a python and he asked him three questions:
(i) Have you ever seen a crocodile?
(ii) What does a crocodile look like?
(iii) What does a crocodile have for dinner?
Question 5.
Why did the python help Golu?
Golu had helped the python to coil around the branch of a tree. The python felt grateful to him and quietly followed him.The python helped Golu when the crocodile caught him by the nose. He wanted to repay Golu for his favour and goodness.
Question 6.
Describe how Golu met the corcodile and how crocodile tried to Golu.
Golu saw a log of wood in the great, grassy Limpopo river. In fact, this was crocodile who winked at him. The crocodile shed his ‘false tears’ to show that he cared for Golu and he expressed his excitement to know why he asked such questions. He further told that he could whisper the answer in his ears. He would tell him what he had for dinner in a low tone. Golu / put his head down close to the corcodile’s snout. The crocodile caught Golu by the nose. He declared that he would eat Golu that day.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
Who directed Golu to go to the Limpopo river?
(a) a mynah bird
(b) a cuckoo bird
(c) a crow
(d) a sparrow bird
(a) a mynah bird ✓
Question 2.
Which of the following is incorrect about the noses of the elephants long long ago?
(a) Long, long ago, the elephants had bulgy noses.
(b) They were as big as the elephants could move the noses from side to side.
(c) They could pick up the things with their noses.
(d) None of these
(a) Long, long ago, the elephants had bulgy noses. ✓
Question 3.
How many questions did Golu ask the python?
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) one
(b) three ✓
Question 4.
A fly stung Golu on the
(a) foot
(b) shoulder
(c) leg
(d) stomach
(b) shoulder ✓
Question 5.
The hairy uncle of Golu is referred to as:
(a) the ostrich
(b) the giraffe
(c) the baboon
(d) the hippopotamus
(c) the baboon ✓
Question 6.
Where was the mynah bird sitting?
(a) in the end of a bush
(b) in the middle of a bush
(c) on the roof of house
(d) on the edge of river.
(b) in the middle of a bush ✓
Question 7.
“I’m going to the great, grassy Limpopo river.”
Who said this to whom?
(a) Mynah bird said this to Golu.
(b) Golu said this to python.
(c) Golu said this to his family.
(d) The crocodile said this to Golu.
(c) Golu said this to his family. ✓
Make Sentences
Use the following words in sentences of your own.
(i) difficult
(ii) whisper
(iii) screamed
(iv) quietly
(v) politely
(vi) afraid
(vii) plucked.
(i) Difficult: Vidhi is so intelligent that she can answer every difficult question.
(ii) Whisper: Friends often whisper secrets to each other.
(iii) Screamed: The boy screamed loudly when he fell from the stairs and fractured his leg.
(iv) Quietly: All the devotees were sitting quietly while listening to Guru’s vani.
(v) Politely: We should talk politely to everyone.
(vi) Afraid: Raj never goes out alone as he is afraid of darkness.
(vii) Plucked: The poor man plucked some fresh roses and offered to the idol in the temple.
Golu Grows a Nose Summary in English
This is the story of how elephant came to have trunk. There was a baby elephant, Golu who had a small bulgy nose. He made fun of giraffe; hippopotamus, baboon. All of them had no answers for his questions.
One day Golu wanted to find out that what crocodile would eat for dinner. He went to Limpopo river to find out. When Golu reached the bank, he thought the crocodile to be a log of wood.
But Golu had actually asked the crocodile about the crocodile. As Golu went nearer, crocodile caught him by the nose. Python who had been following him, advised him to pull hard. As a result, the nose of Golu stretched longer. Golu sat for two days to make his nose cool. Python cheered up G olu and made him realize that trunk would be very advantageous for him.
With trunk he could remove the fly, pluck a large bundle of grass and take out mud from the bank. So Golu reached back home happily.
Golu Grows a Nose Summary in Hindi
यह एक कहानी है जिसमें यह बताया गया है कि हाथी की सैंड कैसे बनी। एक बार हाथी का एक बच्चा गोलू, जिसकी सूजी नाक थी। वह शुतुरमुर्ग, लकड़बग्घा, लंगूर सबका मजाक उड़ाता था। उसके प्रश्नों का कोई जवाब किसी के पास नहीं था।
एक दिन गोलू पता लगाना चाहता था कि मगरमच्छ दोपहर के भोजन में क्या खाजा है। वह लिपोपो नदी पर पता लगाने गया। जब गोलू नदी के किनारे पहुँचा तो उसको लगा कि मगरमच्छ जैसे लकड़ी का तना हो।
पर गोलू ने मगरमच्छ से ही मगरमच्छ के बारे में पूछा। जैसे ही गोलू पास गया, मगरमच्छ ने उसे नाक से पकड़ा। अजगर, जो उसका पीछा कर रहा था, उसने सुझाव दिया कि वह जोर लगाए। इस कारण गोलू की नाक लंबी हो गई। गोलू ने वहाँ नदी के किनारे बैठ कर अपनी नाक को ठंडा किया। अजगर ने गोलू को सलाह दी और उसे इस बात से अनुभव कराया कि सूंड उसके लिए बहुत फायदेमंद रहेगी। सूंड की सहायता से वह मक्खी उड़ा सकता है, घास के ढेर को उठा सकता है और किनारे से कीचड़ निकाल सकता है। अब गोलू खुशी से घर चला गया।