Haryana State Board HBSE 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Haryana Board 6th Class English Solutions A Pact with the Sun Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
HBSE 6th Class English A Pact with the Sun Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their advice help her? If not, why not?
The physicians forbade normal food and asked her to remain perfectually confined to her small dingy room. The room was to be deprived of sunshine and fresh air.
Question 2.
What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?
The specialist asked her to leave the dark hovel and occupy a bigger room at windows open. He asked her to sit in the sun every morning from eight to nine.
Question 3.
What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?
Saeeda told the sunrays to come next day with lots of warmth and brightness.
Question 4.
Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?
The sun rays were keen to go down because they had given their word to Saeeda. So they didn’t want that people of the earth should turn against them.
(i) What is your own formula for keeping good health?
Do it yourself.
(ii) Who would you recommend to a patient in your neighbourhood-the physicians contacted first or the specialist contacted next? Give reasons for your choice.
Do it yourself.
(iii) When would you make a pact with the sun? Wheh you are going on a picnic, or when you are playing a cricket match? Think of other occasions.
Do it yourself.
HBSE 6th Class English A Pact with the Sun Important Questions and Answers
Question 1.
The doctor and his advice became a subject of noisy commentary among all present. How?
The doctor and his advice become a subject of noisy commentary among all present. Some favoured while others opposed it. Exposure to sun and air for someone afflicted with chronic cough was dangerous, an experienced lady de¬clared. A younger neighbour nearly quarrelled with her over this.
Question 2.
Whose advice did Saeeda’s mother follow? What did she say at last?
Saeeda’s mother followed the doctor’s advice. She said that she would carry out the instructions to the letter. She also asked to move her bed into the next room and let her sit in the sun on her charpoy for an hour daily.
Question 3.
How was the road to earth blocked?
The road to earth was blocked by an army of thick, mucky clouds.
Question 4.
What advice does she still follow?
She still follows the doctor’s advice of fresh sunshine and lungful of fresh air.
A Pact with the Sun Word Meanings
fever (फीवर)= बुखार, cough (कफ)= खांसी, body ache (बॉडीएक)= शरीर का दर्द, joints (ज्वायन्टस)= जोड़ों, physicians (फीजिसियन्स)= चिकित्सकों, improvement (इम्प्रोवमेंट)= सुधार, relapsed (रिलप्स्ड)= पूर्व स्थिति में आ जाना, complaint (कम्पलेन्ट)= शिकायत, substituted (सब्ट्यूटेड)= स्थानापन्न किया, forbidden (फोरबिडन)= मना किया गया, perpetually (परपेच्यूअली) = लगातार रूप से, confined (कन्फाइन्ड)= सीमित था। _dingy (डीजी)= गन्दा, fastened (फास्टेअन्ड)= चिपकाया, deprived (डिप्राइवेड)= वंचित किया, sunshine (सनशाइन)= सूर्य की रोशनी, critical (क्रीटिकल)= आलोचक, persuaded (परस्यूडेड)= मनाया, consult (कन्सल्ट)= परामर्श करना, heeded (हीडड)= ध्यान दिया, trinkets (ट्रिकेन्टस)= कम कीमत का गहना, medicine (मेडिसीन)= दवाई, prescribed (प्रीस्क्राइब्ड)= लागू की, effective (इफैक्टिव)= प्रभावी, chapati (चपाती)= रोटी, vegetables (वेजिटेबलस)= सब्जियाँ, addition (एडिसन) = अलावा, emphatically (एम्फाटिकली)= जोर देकर कहना, hovel (होवल)= छप्पर, झोपड़ी, occupy (ओक्यूपाई)= ग्रहण करना, concluded (कन्क्लू डेड)= समाप्त किया, noisy (नोइजी)= शोरगुल से, commentary (कोमेन्टरी)= टीका-टिप्पणी, favoured (फेवरअड)= पक्ष लिया, exposure (एक्सपोजर)= उजागर होना, afflicted (एप्लिक्टड)= प्रभावित किया, chronic cough (क्रोनिक कफ)= पुरानी खांसी, quarrelled (क्वैरेलेड)= झगड़ा किया, exhausted (एग्जास्टेड)= पका हुआ, participate (पार्टिसिपेट)= भाग लिया, debate (डिबेट)= वाद-विवाद, quiet (क्वायेंट)= शांत, consequences (कन्सिक्वेसेंज) = परिणाम, instructions (इस्ट्रेक्शन्स)= निर्देश, charpoy (चारपॉय)= चारपाई, overcast (ऑवरकास्ट)= छाये रहना, dejected (डिजेक्टड)= हताश, muttered (मटअरड)= बुदबुदाई, cured (क्योड)= ईलाज किया गया, lament (लीमेन्ट)= विलाप, stumbled (स्टंबलेड)= ठोकर लगी, लड़ खाड़ा गई, chilly (चीली)= ठण्ड, Disheartened (डिस्हार्टअन्ड)= हताश होना; हतोत्साहित होना, remnant (रेमनेन्ट)= बाकी, शेष, entangled (इन्टंगल्ड)= उलझी हुई थी, language (लवेज)= भाषा, foreign (फोरेन)= अनभिज्ञ, grown-ups (ग्रओनअप)= वयस्क, fluently (फल्यूऐन्टली)= धारा प्रवाह, communicate (कम्यूनिकेट)= बातचीत करना, Almighty (अलमाइटी)= भगवान, addressed (एड्सड)= संबोधित किया, ray (रे)= किरण, brightness (ब्राइटनेस)= चमकीलापन, hour (आवर)घंटा, sprightly (सप्राइटली)= उत्साहपूर्वक, embellished (एम्बेलिशड)= सजाई, सजाया, journey (जर्नी)= यात्रा, off (ऑफ)= छुट्टी, blocked (ब्लोअक्ड)= रोक दिया, mucky (मकी)= कूड़ा-करकट, गंदगी, lark (लाक)= अठखेलियाँ, हँसी मजाक, quiet (क्वाइट)= शान्त, pact (पेक्ट)= समझौता, given my word (गिवनमाईवड)= वायदा कर लिया, pierce (पीअयस) = प्रवेश करना, (आर-पार जाना), staged (स्टेन्ड)= प्रदर्शित किया, revolt (रिवोल्ट)= विद्रोह, fancy (फैन्सी)= कल्पना, heavens (हैवन्स)= स्वर्ग, relented (रिलेन्टड)= मान गया (यहाँ), mind (माइन्ड)= ध्यान करना, rushed (रशड)= भागी, guard (गाड)= अवरोध, courtyard (कोर्टयाड)= आंगन, focussed (फोकसअड)= केन्द्रित की, battalion (बटालियन)= सेना की टुकड़ी, flee (प्ली)= भागना, post (पोस्ट)= चौकियाँ, shooting (शूटिंग)= चीरते हुए (यहाँ), bewildered (बिविल्डड) भ्रमित, host (होस्ट)= मेजबान, approaching (एप्रोचिंग)= पहुंचते हुए, welled (वेल्ड अप)= भर गई (कुएं की तरह), gratitude (ग्रेटिट्यूड)= कृतज्ञता, reclining (रिक्लआइनिंग)= झुकी हुई, bolsters (बोलस्टस)= तकिया, मसनद, breathed (ब्रीद्ड)= सांस ली, glowed (ग्लोअड)= चमका, fragrance (फ्रेगरेन्स)= सुगन्ध , chanted (चेन्टेड)= गाया, tune (ट्यून)= ताल, recovered (रिकवड)= ठीक हो गई, lungfuls (लंगफूल्स) = फेफड़े भरे हुए।
A Pact with the Sun Summary in English
Saeeda’s mother did not receive proper medical treatment. She was even not allowed to take healthy food, sunshine and fresh air. At last she consulted a good physician who prescribed both good medicine and health-building atmosphere like sunshine, fresh air etc. But the sky remained overcast with clouds for a few days, Saeeda made a special request to the sun rays to come to help her mother recover from her illness. The sunrays promised her to came the next day. They remained true to their promise, overcoming all the problems on the way.
A Pact with the Sun Summary in Hindi
सईदा की माँ उचित इलाज नहीं करवा पाई थी। उसको भोजन, धूप तथा ताजा हवा की भी इजाजत नहीं दी गई थी। अन्त में उसने एक अच्छे चिकित्सक से सलाह-मशविरा किया जिसने उसे अच्छी दवाई तथा स्वास्थ्य बनाने वाला वातावरण जैसे कि सूर्य की रोशनी, ताजा हवा इत्यादि की सलाह दी। लेकिन आसमान कई दिनों तक बादलों से ढका रहा। सईदा ने अपनी माँ की बीमारी से उबारने के लिए सूरज की किरणों को आने के लिए विशेष प्रार्थना की। सूर्य की किरणों ने अगले दिन आने का वायदा किया। वे रास्ते में सभी बाधाओं को जीतकर अपने वायदों पर खरी उतरीं।